Brain Stimulating Activities (That Don’t Involve Reading & Memory Games)

As you age, it’s natural for your cognitive function to decline since ageing brings changes to brain.  According to NCBI, the brain shrinks with age increasing age, affect all levels from molecules to morphology.  Obviously, aging is inevitable and definitely irreversible but with physical exercise, good nutrition and challenging mental activities, you can definitely keep your brain active and preserve mental acuity. Continue reading

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6 Must-See US Destinations for Nature Lovers

You don’t need a passport to see the best of what Mother Nature offers.  America, the third biggest country in the world offers a plethora of awe-inspiring natural wonders that are waiting to be explored and experienced by outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers like you.

From tropical rain forests to sea life, canyons to majestic mountains, I’ve rounded up my top 6 picks of US destinations that all nature lovers should visit at least once in their lifetime. Continue reading

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Advance Your Child’s Reading one Full Grade Level… In 3 Months or Less!

I had the pleasure of interviewing Ari Fertel, founder and CEO of Reading Buddy, Inc. early this week. She’s one busy lady, and I am very grateful to her for spending some of her precious time to speak with me.

Reading Buddy is a delightful program designed to advance your child’s (or grandchild’s) reading ability a full grade level in 90 days — or less, using lab-proven techniques to fully engage the child’s interest.

For more information, see

Here is the recording of our conversation: Continue reading

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New Study Shows 4 Activities That Can Help Prevent Mental Decline

An estimated 5.1 million Americans may have Alzheimer’s Disease, according to Alzheimer’s Foundation of America and the incidence increases in line with the aging population.  Therefore, as the population ages, more and more Americans will be impacted with this disease.

Although there is no cure for Alzheimer’s yet, there are ways to decrease your risk to develop one. Continue reading

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Sip on These 5 Drinks to Combat the Signs of Aging

You all know the benefits of drinking water in maintaining good health and a bright, moisturized and youthful looking skin.  Those expensive anti-aging creams and potions are useless if you are dehydrated.  You see, when a person suffers from dehydration, it affects the skin so much – making it look dry, dull and flaky.  So if you are wondering why your skincare products seem to not work, think about how much water you drink in a day. Continue reading

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