3 Foods in Your Kitchen that Can Ward off Wrinkles


Although wrinkles are normal part of aging, most people still spend a fortune on treatments and products that claim to diminish these signs of aging.  As you age, your skin produces less collagen and naturally loses its strength and flexibility, causing it to sag and wrinkle prematurely.

But what if you don’t have the money to spend on these expensive cosmetic procedures and magic potions?

Well, while you can’t stop the aging process, there are certain foods that can improve your skin condition and reduce the signs of aging.  Continue reading

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The Top 5 Safest Countries to Visit in 2017

They say that “we travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us,” but with everything that’s happening right now, it seems like the world has become a much more dangerous place, leaving us wondering if it’s still safe to wander and explore.

Last month, Travel and Leisure put up a list of the safest countries to visit in 2017, based on the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report, in which countries are measured according to the number of terrorist incidents, fatalities, injuries, crime and violence, as well as the reliability of police services. Continue reading

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Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Travel-Loving Dads

Gift shopping for dads is quite challenging.  Especially for the man who seems to have everything.

According to a new survey from Insider Travel Report, Baby Boomers are set to travel more this year than Millennials and other generation groups.  So whether you dear old dad is already a frequent traveler or just planning for one, get him a Father’s Day gift that will make his future travels easier, safer and more enjoyable. Continue reading

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6 Ways to Protect Your Skin from Sun Damage This Summer

As you age, your skin becomes more delicate and vulnerable to sun damage.  That’s why it needs more care and protection more than ever, especially during the summer time.

As we all know, the ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause sunspots, wrinkles and worse of all, skin cancer.  As older adults, you have already been exposed to the sun longer which means that the chances of experiencing skin damage and cancer is higher.  If you didn’t care much about protecting your skin when you were younger, well you should now. Continue reading

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4 Gadgets to Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep deprivation can cause damage to our health.  It can result to weight gain, make the signs of aging more visible, weaken the immune system, affect our mental health and even increase our sensitivity to pain.  Yes, getting adequate and good quality sleep keeps our bodies and mind healthy and functioning at their optimum level.

However, not everyone can fall asleep easily.  Although there are natural sleeping aids that you can take to induce zzz’s, there are also a number of electronic devices that can help you get a better night’s sleep. Continue reading

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