5 Apps to Help You Relax and Relieve Stress

According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress, which is a type of stress experienced over a prolonged period of time, can cause wear and tear on your body.  This is either due to your body’s reaction or as an effect of the bad habits that people use to cope with stress such as overeating, smoking and alcohol drinking.

One of the many ways to prevent and relieve stress instantly is with the help of technology.  It may be hard to look at technology as a form of “stress-reliever” but when used in the right way and in harmony with other natural stress management methods, it can play a significant role in fighting the stresses of your day to day life. Continue reading

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7 Awesome Alexa Skills for People Who Love to Travel

Two years following its debut and 10,000 skills after, Amazon’s voice-powered virtual assistant, Alexa has truly proven her worth and has become a must-have in every household.

Alexa is the brain of Amazon’s smart speakers – the Echo, Dot, Tap and Show.  It’s also available in other Amazon devices like Fire TV and a number of products made by other tech companies. Continue reading

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Top River Cruises for 2017

One of the top travel trends that I talked about on my previous article is River Cruising, which has really boomed over the last two years.

According to Cruising book author, Douglas Ward:

“A river cruise represents life in the slow lane, sailing along at a gentle pace, soaking up the scenery, with plentiful opportunities to explore riverside towns and cities en route. It is a supremely calming experience, an antidote to the pressures of life in a fast-paced world, in surroundings that are comfortable without being fussy or pretentious, with good food and enjoyable company.” (Wikipedia) Continue reading

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Top Travel Trends for Baby Boomers

According to AARP’s research on Baby Boomer travel, most Boomers are expected to take at least one big leisure trip in 2017 and an average of 5 or more trips all throughout the year – a combination of holiday travels, weekend getaways and summer vacations, both locally and internationally.

Baby Boomers travel for a variety of reasons but research shows that the top motivators are: Continue reading

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The Best Gadgets and Gizmos for People with Dementia

One of the many wonders of technology is how it has helped individuals manage their health easily and independently.

Smart scales, automatic blood pressure monitor cuffs, pulse oximeters – these are really popular ones and I’m sure you know or even have these already.  But aside from these, there are a great number of gizmos and gadgets that you can choose from, depending on your health concern. Continue reading

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