10 Interesting and Unique Activities to Pursue After Retirement

Without children to look after and job to attend to, retirement can definitely be the best time of a baby boomer’s life.  The hardworking days during your younger adult life has already passed and you are now free to spend as much time as you like on what makes you happy.

As much as you want to enjoy the beginning of your retirement just sitting at home and doing nothing, it’s important to get out there, be active and keep things exciting.  Sure, rest is important but don’t stay idle for long as this can do more harm to your health than good.

Retirement offers lots of opportunities to try something new and if you haven’t figured out what to do yet, here some interesting activities that you might want to try out.  Continue reading

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How Grandparenting Does Wonders to Your Health

There’s a new study published on Evolution & Human Behavior online journal that associates grandparenting, within or beyond the family, with lower mortality rate.  It was conducted among more than 500 seniors aged 70 and older, over a 22-year period.

The result of the study showed that caregiving grandparents had 33% lower mortality hazard than non-caregiving grandparents, as well as a much lower mortality rate. Continue reading

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5 Awesome Gadgets for Tailgating Season

Take this year’s tailgating season to the next level with the help of some awesome gadgets and accessories that I’ll be talking about in today’s article.

From making sure that your drinks stay cold, home-cooked meals warm, meat grilled to perfection and even tracking your beer with a remote when things get rowdy, I got you covered. Continue reading

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How Avocados Help Improve Cognitive Health

Avocados have been so mainstream and on demand nowadays that they are even being stolen and sold on Facebook in New Zealand!  And nearly every breakfast menu always has avocados in it.  How crazy is that?

Well that’s because more and more individuals have embraced the importance of healthy eating and avocados are super fruits with a number of amazing health benefits.  This incredible super-fruit is packed with healthy fats and essential vitamins and minerals that are great for the body. Continue reading

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Travel Discounts for People Under 60

When you’re not yet in your 60’s, you don’t really think of yourself as a “senior” yet, and never considered asking for senior discounts.  But did you know that there are a bunch of discounts eligible for you once you hit five-zero?

If you are not comfortable asking for discounts for random and personal use, you might want to take advantage of this for your upcoming travels.  Vacations are great but it can take a big chunk out of your budget, so why not just ask for senior discounts to save a lot on your travel expenses? Continue reading

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