Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

Can you set yourself on the road to weight loss, but still enjoy “forbidden” foods you like so much? The answer is – yes. Starting a weight loss diet does not mean avoiding the fattening foods we love. You can actually enjoy your favorite cake, instead of completely forsaking your favorite sweets, because it can make you nervous and cranky in a short time. You can cheat your diet in a sensible way by performing so-called “structured cheating”.

The key to structured cheating is maintaining control and restricting yourself from setting off on a cake-eating spree. Before you indulge in your favorite sugary treat, decide what you want and how much you will have. Then count and memorize the amount of calories of your favorite type of cake, and this will give you more control in managing the diet splurge with an exact portion control.

So, you do not have to fall into despair, because it is possible to eat your cake and still work your way towards your ideal weight. With the right combination of exercising and sensible decisions about the amount of sugar intake, you will manage to keep the pounds off, and here is how you can do it.

The Right Timing

Heavier foods should be eaten around the middle of the day, at lunchtime, which should be followed by a light dinner. If you eat heavy meals late in the day, you will leave no time for your body to burn off the calories, which will lead to fast weight gains. Be cautious about eating late and during night time. Besides unnecessary weight gains, this can also cause sleeping problems and unpleasant indigestion issues.

Low Energy Density Foods

Energy density is basically the amount of energy in a certain weight of food. It is expressed in kcal/g (the number of calories in a gram). Low energy density foods, thus, provide less calories per gram than high energy density foods, meaning that we can consume bigger portions of low energy density foods. In other words, these foods are low in calories, but will prolong the feeling of fullness. Low energy density foods are fresh vegetables and fruits, and by incorporating them in your diet, you will feel satisfied after each mealtime, but consume fewer calories.

Consume Moderate Amounts

Never eat cake instead of a meal, but consume it after a meal and in moderate amounts. A moderate amount of cake is the portion that can fit in the palm of your hand. Find recipes for healthier cakes, have fun baking, and make cake images. You can share them with your friends and family, and perhaps inspire them to follow your healthy choices.

Keep A Calorie Intake Diary

Losing weight is all about the number of calories you consume, not about what kind of foods you eat. Your caloric intake on a daily basis should be kept at around 1,500 to 2,000 calories. Keep a food diary to watch your calorie intake the right way.


Try cutting as much calories you can during each day by substituting low-calorie sweeteners and low-fat ingredients in the cake. No matter how small these changes in your caloric intake are, they can result in meaningful healthier weight.


It is not important only to cut down on your calorie intake, but to work on burning them off also. This is why exercising regularly is important for losing excess weight and maintaining it. According to WebMD, if you are not exercising at the time, you should slowly get your body used to being active by performing simple exercises for only a few minutes. In order to get the full benefits from physical exercising, exercise at least half an hour during each day of the week. Go to a fitness class, biking, jogging, swimming, walking, or dancing – every kind of physical activity counts. Perform activities you enjoy, so it does not feel like an obligation.

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